Friday, August 05, 2005

the enemy within

Target is the enemy.

I feel strongly about this. Down with Target, their red shirts, Todd Oldham furniture and reasonable prices! Do they still sell Todd Oldham stuff? doesn't matter...
Two days ago I was all bout Target. I enjoyed their products as much as the next blogger. But then I tried to take something back. It was a gift for Cooper - and like all gifts for Cooper, I like to take them back and get something for me. He never complains.
Actually, it was a duplicate item. So my plan was to take back this aforementioned item and purchase a Slip-n-Slide. Seems reasonable so far. Target wouldn't give me the money for the baby thing (I'm still not quite sure what it was). Now this isn't that unusual. Lots of stores will make you take store credit. What separates Target from stores I will not shop at is they said that I would have to exchange my baby thing for something - not just in the store - but in the baby department.
"So if somebody buys me a skateboard and I don't want to're saying that I HAVE to exchange it for something in the kids section!?" I asked. "yup" they mumbled. "You mean that even though my wife came in here earlier today and asked about this exchange...and was told that we'd be given a gift card....that we won't be given a gift card?" "Yup"
You can see why I'd be a little infuriated. Clearly they've missed the mark when it comes to customer service.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    just one thing, that dog scares the crap out of me!!!! haha ok thats it

    ~alex j
