Tuesday, May 30, 2006

natural born griller

The day o’ grilling was yesterday. Had a mediocre breakfast (the food) with some fun people…followed by a cookout with fun people….followed by a cookout with fun people. Three meals + Zero in my house + two from the grill = Pretty good day

There’s something about food that’s cooked outside on a grill that just makes it way better. You’d think we’d have the same technology indoors…but we don’t. If you say, “what about the George Foreman Grill?” you should probably go sit in the corner.

Is it the not quite clean, not quite non-rusty quality that makes the hamburgers so delicious to my stomach? Can you imagine eating something that was prepared by a pan that was left outside and then cleaned with a steel brush? “Yeah, we brushed off the rotted beef that was left on here from the last time we did this”

Is it the idea of an open flame? Maybe this thing will explode….I feel like the Baldwin brother (they’re interchangeable) that was in backdraft every time I grill out.

I love the grill. Not my grill….it’s currently the home of 27 birds from around my neighborhood. I’m also one propane tank short (it’s in State College being used by people far more in need of grilling than I) I was so into grilling for awhile that I actually made tater tots on the grill once. Brilliant!

Thank you grill. I love your wonderfulness.

A haiku

Powered by Propane
You’re anything but profane
I’d like mine well done


  1. Last Comic tonight... you watching?

    I hope Ant is hosting.

  2. I wouldn't miss it. You coming over?

    I sort of feel like I'm betraying Jay Mohr....we'll see how Anthony Clark does. I liked him on some show he was on...and then he did Yes, Dear

  3. So many would say that one such as yourself might be "a few beers short of a 6 pack." Perhaps the more appropriate phrase would be you're a "rusty grill short of a propane tank."

  4. Charcoal brings the flame
    It's nothing less than divine
    Medium Rare please.

  5. Though carcinogens are linked to
    grilling meat
    I think the risk is
    worth the treat....

    (although this is not
    high-Q Grade A
    it is poetry that seems
    to last all day..)
