Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Greats

I just got a call from a friend...and he mentioned Bob Saget (Sags). The thing that troubled me was that he was the third person this week to talk about how I love Sags.

A couple of people have asked if I, Sean Michael Murphy, was being sarcastic.

I'm not sure I even know the definition of sarcasm. I know that Fuller "teaches" a class on sarcasm, but I've never taken the course.

Some people look at my link to the greatest actor of our generation and think that it's possible that I'm being tongue in cheek. Again, I don't even know what that expression means.

Is it so hard to believe that I could love David Hasselhoff, Bob Saget and Oprah? Think of all that they have contributed to society. The Baywatch trilogy alone would guarantee D.H.'s spot on the star walk of fame. Sags with America's Funniest Videos and Oprah with her gut wrenching specials on "I'm a cross dresser" and "Oprah's going shopping!"

I'm just proud to be a part of the Sags/D.H./O generation


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    all i'm saying is if you don't know the definition of sarcasm, then i don't know the definition of sassy. draw your own conclusions.

  2. Don't forget Cathie-lee Gifford

  3. i'm not sure you can reference those stars without also singing the praises of the greatest musical group of our generation, NKOTB! (milli-vanilli a close second)

    ...and i'm dead serious.


  4. Now we're talking!

  5. Ok, I'm being serious right now. Maybe for the first time ever, but here it goes...

    More Christians need to be like Oprah. There, I said it. And it's true.

    And if you don't think Knight Rider was one of the best television dramas of the 80's, then you are crazy.

    I also used to teach a class on tounge in cheek...but then there was that lawsuit. I'm just too dang literal.

  6. when does sarcasm become irresponsible?

    when i was in africa one of our goals as a team was to not be sarcastic with each other. it was really hard, but also very rewarding. the verse we tried to live by was ephesians 4:29.

    "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear."

    i'd like to hear others' thoughts.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I wonder that too Wes. I've heard that "all humor is negative". Thats why we always listen to Mark Lowry.

  8. All humor is negative? That is the most depressing thing I've ever heard. God help us if we can't laugh with and at one another.

    One of my favorite little sayings is that God is playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. Come on, life is funny.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    More Christians need to like Oprah?

    You're kidding, right?

    Oprah is generally out of her mind.

  10. it's not that all humor leads to's that we laugh at stuff that's negative - and that's o.k

    old visual gag - guy drops a banana peel and then watches another guy fall on it. That's negative.

    Every non-pun joke ultimately has something to do with someone being dumb, lazy, accident prone....and we laugh at that because it's funny. When people call for "no more negative humor" they're calling for no more humor

  11. that's definitely not true. all humor is not negative. and i think its pretty clear that we should avoid all negative humor, especially when it comes at the expense of some lazy, accident prone, fill in the blank person.

  12. Wes,
    they're going to kick you out of Africa for talking like that...

  13. "That which is said in jest, is often most true." I kinda live by that quote.

  14. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Murph - you're one of the best at non-negative, healthy humor that I know.

    I guess it kinda comes down to "what's negative."
