Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I started writing this thing in the last couple of days of July. At first I felt like I was writing to myself...but then I started seeing the counter jump, and the profile views, and occasionally somebody would leave a comment.

There have been comments that have left me confused, frustrated, indifferent and a bunch that made me laugh or smile. Here are some of my favorites.

Steve said... I was having these exacts thoughts today. I think we are soulmates...Marry me?(I'll show you how much I can bench on the honeymoon.)

Dan K. said... "Sometimes that one dot can make a difference as to which way the line goes."Chew on that Socrates.

Mike Brown said...
I always say "good providence" instead of "good luck."It makes me sound more spiritual and it has more syllables, so it makes me sound smarter. Also, it makes people think that I'm also a dirty calvinist, which i am.So, on your first day of work, Good Providence.

Wes Brooks said...
does T minus = Today minus?

spence said...
speaking of cell phones...can a brother get your new number? i've missed you and haven't been able to call...

Dan K. said...
If it is a son...Steven Curtis Chapman Murphy.It's got a nice ring to it... or Duke O. Earl Murphy.

Stacy said...
Sadie thinks you ought to name her Belle, too. "We bof like da same name, right, Dad?"I think the baby has your eyes...

Kande said...
I wonder about a guy that has a link to the oragami boulder on his blog...

Peggy Murphy said...
Your Dad and your (soon to be) three kids so they could get to know each other. What a kick that would be!

stinkowoman said...
How is it that a dead guy still kicks my butt on a continual basis?!

Dan K. said...
Is your kid pigeon-toed? Bummer.

Steve said...
Sean, you are crazy. That's why I like you.So can we count on you and Dressler being there Sunday with your picket signs?

The Grizz said...
LMAO that's really friggin' awesome. My freshmen, who are writing collaborative stories, are wondering why their teacher is giggling at a computer.

Kevin said...
alright jana...never mind. murph has bettis as his personal pic...not on this post. i'm a moron, you're smart.i'm stupid, you're intelligent.i'm not witty, you are i'm a bengals fan, you're a steelers fan...etc...etc...

annie said...
sorry to the ladies but he is all mine and i love him more than i can even understand. i love his heart, his passion and the way he loves his family. and we have cute babies!

The Grizz said...
I once filled the dishwasher with liquid dish soap. It caused a sudsy flood of bubbles to fill the kitchen and start leaking into the downstairs. Hold old is Griff? I ask because I was 22 when I made that mistake. And while I can wait to have kids of my own, I long for the days when I can comprehend what it is parents talk about when they try and describe the emotions they have for their children.

Wolfenberger said...
Words cannot describe how disgusted I am with myself that I even know what the hell you are talking about there.

Steve said...
Hey Murph...you're fired!Hahahahahahaha!Wait, isn't that still cool and funny? It's not? Oh. This is awkward now. So awkward.

Dan K. said...
You're right.Bocce ball is not a sport. It is an art.

carissa said...
bring on the rain! i don't know the dresslers and i do know you. go reds!! does john franco still play for them?

Steve said...
I like 'splosions.MI:3 has 'splosions.End of story.

Peggy Murphy said...
"Melon ball my trachea??" what the heck does that mean??

This feels like one of those episodes of M*A*S*H where they just showed clips from previous episodes. I always hated those shows.

oops....ah well, gotta go plan out a four week workshop

1 comment:

  1. How can we comment on comments?
    Did this surpass the 400 word rule?
