Wednesday, February 22, 2006

stylish substance

Style over substance? Substance over style? Style = Substance? Substance = Style?

I know a guy who has the fancy car, fancy clothes, spends enough money on haircuts to sponsor a child for a few months, says the right things (lots of buzzwords - paradigm shift, staple remover) He would read this description and hope that I was talking about him...

The thing is, he has incredible opportunities to affect change. Because he does all the cheeseball stuff (seriously, get out of the bathroom, put on your jewelry and let's go!) people listen to him. It's as though people are so tired or the artistic, creative types that have so much potential...but typically are late to everything...if they show up at all...and you'd love to have them on your team...but then you hate having them on your team.

The style over substance guy cares enough about appearances that he'll show up on time. He'll turn in reports and return phone calls. He really cares about other's opinions...and wants to be seen as a smart, sharp he does stuff. Good results...insecurity or pride driven motivation.

So do you go with the guy who has the gifts....or with the guy who has the packaging?

I think part of the problem with the folks with the gifts is that they can coast. They're like the star athlete who just has to show up and he's the best guy on the court. You wish he's try harder...because he'd be Michael Jordan...but he doesn't have to. The style guy can only buy more expensive watches, shirts and leather shoes.

I guess we'd all do better to put a little more effort into things. We can show up on time (if we care more about the person we're meeting than we do about ourself). We can return phone calls (see above) We can try to be generally reliable. I guess a lot of these things come from the "I'll do that when I feel like it...and let them wait on me" mentality. It's o.k. if I'm late because I'm very important...and my time is worth more than your time.

Ah well....I'd better get going. I've gotta get my jag out of the garage and hit the salon...

metrosexual (met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.—metrosexuality n.

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