Tuesday, February 21, 2006

it's the little things

I've always been intrigued by window washers. I could watch them for minutes.
there are very few non sports or tv related things that I could watch for minutes.
There's just something about those guys with the extra wide squeegee (how fun is that word) deals and the wide washer doo hickeys. They always start at the top in the corner. They wind their way down to the bottom covering every inch. It's the twisting motion that I like to watch. It's almost an art.
I owned a store in Columbus for a few years and it was always my favorite day when they'd come in and wash our huge windows.
This is kind of weird, huh?

It's the little things.

If I pay for a 5 piece chicken nugget meal and they give me 6, I flip out. It's like I won the lottery.

If I go to pay for a book and it rings up for less than it's marked, I always ask, "Excuse me, but is that price right?" (it's one of 7 areas that I have a modicum of integrity in) "Yes sir, all of our extra thick books that only really smart people can read are 32.5% off today...it's an unannounced sale for Mensa members"
"Oh....right. Um....is my Sports Illustrated discounted too?" Paying less than I expected is one of life's great surprises.

Sometimes I put on a coat and step outside only to realize that it's warm enough for a sweatshirt and no coat...it's just the best (and I need to move to Charlotte)

Griffin sometimes just runs up to me yelling "DADDY!!!" and then he jumps in my arms...and life is good.

I have a boring meeting and it's not so bad...or better yet, gets cancelled....I love that.

I go to drive to the gas station and realize that Annie's already filled the tank...and I love her a little more.

I get a rebate check in the mail, a letter from a friend, find $5 in a pocket...these are some of life's great moments...and a few of them just might happen today (if I take the time to notice them)


  1. Is this some sort of indiscreet way of telling me to send the Gary Gulman cd?


  2. I saw this old lady slip and fall on the ice the other day. I laughed for hours.

    You're right, it is the little things.

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I was going to say that this is a beautiful blog that would inspire everyone who reads it to be a little more positive today. But I guess I should ammend that to say everyone but Steve :)

    Found your blog through Steve's. I like it a lot. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, insights, and humor.
