Thursday, February 09, 2006

I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure. - Chariots of Fire

God didn't make me fast. And when I run I feel his displeasure.

I had a chance to teach a small class last night. It just feels right. You know how you get into bed sometimes and it's like your entire body...even your feet...just relaxes at the same time?
It just feels right.
Then the phone rings...

Last night the phone didn't ring.
It just feels right. I really miss teaching. I used to do it 2 - 3 times a week. Now I do it almost never. It's something I've really missed.

I love speaking to groups...and I love to teach. They sort of go hand in hand.

I wonder if it's 100% pride/vanity/attention seeking or if maybe...just maybe...thats something that God's given me. Maybe a sliver of - he doesn't totally suck at this....just maybe it's only 97%

I miss it.


  1. Teaching is one of those gifts that people don't understand.

    If my gift is hospitality, and I welcome people into my home and serve them, then I am being a wonderful, giving, selfless Christian.

    If my gift is teaching, so I stand up on stage and say a bunch of witty and profound things that make people laugh and reflect, then I am an arrogant jerk who loves the spotlight.

    I don't think it makes them conceited when teachers seek out the stage...I think they have just as much of a right to use their gift as anyone else.

    Yes, that brings with it unique battles with pride, ego, vanity, etc. But that's part of life - it doesn't mean we run from the calling.

    So pursue your gifts and ignore the people who are bitter because their gift does not come equiped with a spotlight. And yes, I know there are other ways of teaching besides being on stage, but hopefully I made my point - I'm tired of teachers having to apologize for their gifting because it involves a spotlight.

    Those are my two cents. :)

  2. I totally feel at home on stage, not necessarily in a teaching role, but definitely singing, acting, you name it, I'm fine with it. I don't do it very often because I don't want people to think I'm seeking attention but I think that God has made me comfortable with it for a reason.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I think that maybe the reason you love to teach isn't that you're prideful - maybe you just "love to tell the story."

    That's the biggest thing I miss about leading YL - more than taking kids to camp, hanging out at the school, fall weekends... I miss standing in front of a group of kids and telling them about the life that is to be found in Jesus. And I miss gathering kids who have found life in Jesus and teaching them how to follow him.

    I love to tell the story. I miss it. I need to find new ways and new people to tell it to.
