Monday, February 06, 2006

and the things you've heard me say...

I wonder sometimes about leadership. There are some folks that are just naturals. People follow them. People continually ask them to be their mentor. They follow them. They pick up their habits. (not stalking, emulating) They take action that would lead them down the same path as their "leader".

"Look behind you, if no one's're probably not a leader"
That's one of those quotes I've heard a few times in classes, seminars, meetings...and I think it's true.

I have a friend that I think is hilarious, and we used to challenge each other about how we were attempting to lead. Whenever one of our guys would make a sarcastic reference, we'd look at each other and say, "oh the things you've heard me say...teach to others..." Our point was that these guys were picking up our humor maybe more than our character...or that our character was all about our humor and not necessarily what we'd really like to pass on.

I sometimes wonder how much of my leadership is based on position, and how much is based on my life. Because of my last job, I just naturally had people who followed me. There were those who chose not to follow me by stepping down, and there were those who kind of did their own thing...but there were also a bunch who chose to follow. One of the nice things was seeing folks outside of my "job" approach me about getting together once a week to hang out and talk. Those were always significant to me because they felt a little more organic. They weren't predicated on my work, or getting ahead. They were just looking for someone to talk with, listen a little, and maybe offer some advice.

This is all running through my head because I miss that. I've had a few people talk with me about meeting periodically...and I'm looking for someone that I can meet with that will challenge me....I'm just not there yet. It's one of the hard things about being the new guy. It takes a while to get the lay of the land.

I think we all need a peer relationship where you can be brutally honest and just lay out your garbage. There's just something raw about admitting to stuff out loud. It somehow makes it more real.

I also think we need mentors. Personally, I need one guy that I can sit in front of to tell me, "Sean, you're too wrapped up in doesn't matter even a blip on the radar of real life" or whatever my issue of the hour is at that moment. I need someone I respect to kick me in the butt...and to pick me up when I'm dragging.

It's just an amazing thing to see stuff in someone's life and want to follow them. It's even better (and scarier) when someone sees it in yours...


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Is that Bill Cowher in the Wal-Mart Uni?

    Looks like him.

  2. Why is finding someone to "be real" with so hard for us? I often wonder myself how much of a false self people are putting on around us. The hardest part about finding that person to unload with is getting to that point. It is hard to take that leap of faith and trust that this is the person to share you junk with.

    Well said.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Hello? All you need is a wife. And yours is pretty darn smart!!
