Wednesday, February 22, 2006

hoping for the best

I have people that I really hope succeed...and people that I sort of enjoy watching them fail.

Is that so bad?

um....yeah Sean, it kind of is... I should stop that?




I listened to a friend speak tonight and it was fun hoping for the best. It's great to see your friends do well. It's great to see them in a role that really fits them. So today was good...

The crazy thing is that there are some folks that I just struggle loving. When they screw's almost like I soak in it. I think through all of the bad stuff they did...why they failed...I think about how that's a pattern in their life...and I feel bitter.

Wait a minute....bitter?

I watch someone that I like do well....and I feel better at first....and even later.

that's good

I watch someone that I don't really like fail....and I feel better at first...and then worse later...


I hear about someone I don't really enjoy screwing up... and I feel worse?

That doesn't make sense.
I know that I laugh or at least smile when it happens. I sort of rejoice when they screw up. Eventually though, I just end up soaking in that hate. It doesn't sit real well.

If I chose to love them instead of looking for them to fail, that might just end up helping me to not be so bitter.

Might be worth a shot...

Looking for the best in people...looking for people to succeed.....hmmm

(disclaimer - Annie read this and said that one of my friends is going to read this and think I'm talking about them..."Sean just heard about my not turning in a cover sheet with my GPS reports, I knew he wanted me to fail!!" if that's the case, rest assured - I probably am talking about you)

1 comment:

  1. I usually root for most people to long as they don't succeed more than I do.

    I have issues. :)
