Sunday, January 29, 2006


Some guys from came to our church today. These guys have the #1 rated Christian porn site in the world. Basically, they talk with folks who struggle with porn...and their web site has resources that you can download. They have software that you can sign up on that sends an accountability partner periodic e-mails letting them know of any web sits you visit. You just have to pick one or two friends to be your accountability partner.
Sounds a little like big brother...but is it big brother if you invite them in?

It sounds more like living unashamed...or free...or out in the open.

I was impressed to hear these guys say that they go to the biggest porn convention in the world and set up a booth. People laughed at the ridiculousness of these two Christian guys setting up shop in the midst of the craziness. It didn't make sense...even to a largely Christian audience.

You gotta wonder where Jesus would be hanging out.

He tended to hang out with prostitutes, drunks, screwballs, crooks...people like me. He WENT to them. He didn't bring in a big band, have the world's largest pizza party or hook people into coming to a basketball game where he'd preach at them during halftime. He just went to them. He was in their world. He was in our world, I should say. That was his "method".

His strategic plan for setting up a church looked like this:
1. go to people
2. get to know them

I think he'd probably stop by the porn convention. Probably on his way to the casino...or to the all you can eat buffet (did I mention it was in Vegas?)

Bottom line - He hung out with screwballs...and that just makes sense.

That's the only hope a guy like ma has...

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