Tuesday, January 24, 2006

the Aristocrats

Is it bad that I want to rent the Aristocrats?
I'm not talking about adding $4.25 to the corporate barons that are threatening the existence of all of humanity. I'm cool with that.
I'm talking about the movie that's always discussed with a focus on how many people walked out of the theater in disgust.

My basic problem is that I love all things comedy. Particularly stand up comedy. I read books by and about stand up comedians. I'm fascinated by their craft. I just love it.
This movie is all about stand up comedians telling the same joke. It's 100 different comedians (I think) telling the same joke with their different spin on it. It's considered a comedian's joke. A joke that can be told 100 different ways and you can prove your prowess by besting the last person who told it.

And it can get pretty nasty.

So you see my dilemma... There's some truth to the ol garbage in, garbage out. I know it's a cliche...and sounds a little church lady...but stuff just sticks with you. Our minds are powerful and feeding it junk tends to eat at it. That's why Christians get all riled up about the Last Temptation of Christ and others get mad at violence in film. Stuff just sticks...and people realize that.

A friend of mine was talking with a group of college guys who were talking about how hard it is to not focus on sex 24 hours a day. They're surrounded by it. So my friend ask them about the movie they were headed to...and it was your basic R rated teen sex movie. These guys never saw a correlation. They weren't surrounded by this stuff...they were paying $7 to go see it.
They were actually pretty proactive about being surrounded by it.

So there's my dilemma...

Did I mention Bob Saget is in this?


  1. I think you answered your own question with that last line.

    I don't know if you've seen that video from xxxchurch.com they will be playing at the Vineyard this weekend, but they interview some porn director who says he wishes he could delete images from his brain the way we can delete files from a computer. I wish I could do the same.

    But, with that said, I think it's impossible to eliminate all the junk from our lives. My job involves looking at hundreds of half-naked young women all day. My point is, we can't always hide from it - sometimes we have to face it and overcome. In other words, can I watch a movie with a sex scene and not run off to look at porn? Can I listen to some perverted humor and keep my own mind out of the gutter? Maybe that is real freedom.

    I'm sure Jesus saw a lot in his day because of the people he chose to hang around with. Just some thoughts.

  2. Great topic. We pollute our minds with crap every day and don't realize how it affects us. We should probably despise it but insead we become numb to it. We don't realize how much it affects the way we think. It doesn't glorify God, yet we continue to watch and pay for it. It's not like we watch that stuff to show the actors Christ's love. We do it to entertain ourselves. So with no good coming from it other than that, we should probably try to avoid it at all costs.
    But moving on... Did anyone catch Desperate Housewives on Sunday? Oh man...

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Having seen both the movie and Bob Saget do standup, I can tell you that both are absolutely filthy. Saget is by far the filthiest one in the movie. Honestly...some of it was funny and some of it was offensive, but I went to see it because it was something different.

    Brother Brian (Murph)
