Wednesday, January 11, 2006

what was I talking about?

I was trying to get my radio working today. It's one of those $3 deals that has an antennae that stretches out and little plastic wheels that you turn to try and tune something in. I much prefer digital with actual numbers that come up...but those have their own issues. Anyhow, because of where I am in this building - I can't tune anything in...or at least anything I'd want to listen to.

I have too much stuff in the way. I'm not sure if it's the fluorescent lights, the metal cabinets, my big ol head...but somethings blocking the radio from performing for me. It's incredibly frustrating because I can sometimes almost get something. There's enough of a hint of discernible sound that I get this radio tease.
I have the same thing going on with different people in the building. I just don't get them...I can't tune them in. There's something in the way that keeps me from picking up what they're telling me. Usually it's my judgmental, they don't know what they're talking about, attitude. I guess it's back to that whole teachable thing. I rarely look for teachable moments...I spend my day looking for Sean moments. How can I lift up Sean here? What are some ways that I can jam into the conversation how great I am at something?
It just gets in the way of my listening. I blame a lot of stuff on my bad memory, when I actually think it's that I wasn't really paying that much attention in the first place. I vaguely know what people are talking about...but I have a bad memory.
"Actually vaguely remember that because while I was talking, you were thinking of witty responses... "
um... "
(see what happens when I listen and don't think of witty responses?)
(you can insert your own prayer analogies here)

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