Tuesday, September 13, 2005

so what's it going to take?

I've heard it said that "even really bad people love their friends" (a very rough paraphrase) - but the point was...it's easy to love lovable people. That just makes sense.
I think I'm like a lot of people in that I spend most of my time just kind of living my life. It's what we do. (us people)
Every once in a while a situation will pop up where we might decide to do something nice...and then we spend weeks just subtly mentioning that nice thing we did in conversation "oh, you're from Iowa - did I mention I gave a homeless guy $2?"
But the same guy who said the thing about -even not so nice people love the lovable people....He said that we (those folks who follow the teachings of Jesus) ought to love the lovable people, and even the not so lovable people. In fact, he said we need to go so far as to even love our enemies....
It just makes sense that if you're going to love you're enemy...you're going to love the people you're sort of indifferent towards. And you already love the loveables....
-So it's kind of a radical love that He's calling us to. It seems to me that it goes beyond "just kind of living your life" - it seems like we're called to a pro-active - get out there and love people kind of life.
There's a verse somewhere in this book I read on occasion (we'll call it Hebrews) somewhere in the 10th chapter...about 24 verses or so into it....and it says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on...." and then it goes on about encouraging people. What strikes me is the "let us consider" how to do this. I don't know that I spend a lot of time "considering". I just kind of do.
It occurs to me that if I spent a little more time considering (or planning, or just thinking through) how to love and encourage people....even the unlovable people....I might just be a little better at it. Maybe I'd do it a little more often...not just when a situation presented itself...
there might be something in what He's saying... Kind of a Pro-Active love, hmm???

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