Thursday, March 09, 2006


The snowball effect. It's nice when you're on the good side of the snowball. When you're eating right, because that's just what you do. When you spend time taking care of other's needs...because that's who you are. You exercise because you know you'll feel better later in the day if you run until you pass out now.

Right now I have to stop 3 or 4 times for rest breaks when I walk up a flight of steps. I ask people to help me when I see a "push" sign on a door. If I get a double issue of a magazine, I'll ask the mailman to help me carry it to the door. You get the point...I'm on the bad side of the snow ball.

It's hard to get in the habit of reading more and watching tv less. Stopping the snowball that's headed the wrong way and starting to form and push the good snowball...that's where I need to be right now.

I think it's time to start pushing this thing...

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