Monday, March 27, 2006

the 7 years of being hitched

7 years ago I stood up at the First Presbyterian church, in a tuxedo that many people had rented before me, and stood across from the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Rings were exchanged, words said, vows taken...and then we were married.

Just like that. March 27th 1999

I've since checked and that wasn't the first Presbyterian church at all...they've had those for years.

The minister had performed hundreds and hundreds of weddings. There wasn't anything all that unique about the ceremony....but for us - this was monumental.

It changed out lives. Because of this day...
-we now live in the dub C together

-we have two sons and a daughter that wouldn't be around otherwise

-I occasionally drive around a miniature van

-I'm familiar with Wooster and Mt. Vernon, Ohio

-Annie's familiar with sarcasm and passive aggressiveness

-Margaret Mary has a new favorite Murphy

-I get to laugh a lot

-Annie's given up on ever having a pet dog

-I still don't even marginally understand women

-we now look for "couples friends"

-There are 3 more Murphy's in the world (and one on the way)

and I'm a better man...I love my wife


  1. 2 things...
    happy anniversary to you and yours.

    please tell me that you didn't really post that at 4:45 am.


  2. yeah, my post says 6:39 AM, so your clock is whacked. or whack, as the kids say.

  3. Annie could have a pet dog. You know who has brand new puppies!

  4. I just put on my eye make-up and it is running downmy cheeks like a broken fire hydrant! (Of course we know I cry at Super market openings) Happy Anniversay! Thanks for choosing the BEST!

  5. What if they had a Super Market opening...and Extreme Home Makeovers hosted it? And there were puppies there?
    And sad clowns?
    And a native American looking on from a distant hill at all of the litter?

  6. Is that why I never get any love, because I'm not a "couples friend?" It's not my fault no one will marry me. Oh wait, maybe it is.
