Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I have no lucky socks. I'm thinking about getting some. I hear people talk about their lucky coin, shirt, pen, underwear and feel like I'm missing out.

An interesting conversation is one with an atheist who has a lucky sweater. "You don't believe in God because you don't have any tangible proof....but you do believe in luck?"

I know there's lots of scientific proof out there. I noticed once that every time I got off the couch, Tiger would start missing putts. If I turned the channel to see the score of another game...the Steelers would punt. So there's obviously some validity to luck, I'm just trying to figure out to harness it.

My experience has always been wrapped around sporting events. I figure if I get some lucky socks (I'm thinking argyle - they have to be a little different...different enough that people would ask, "Why are you wearing those socks?") then I'll never have to worry about my furnace breaking, my tires going flat, my 5 Super Bowl Rings wearing team losing another game...

it's as good as money in the bank...I'm off to the Old Navy


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I thought you had some really classy, high-spirited socks from your Grandpa...oh, no..that was underwear. Sorry...REALLY.

  2. I vote for the turquoise ones on the right...they should definitely do the trick.

  3. Good luck with that Sean! ;) Let us know how that works out for you....and Tiger....and the Steelers....
