Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ignorance is bliss

Just got back from my 7:00 appointment at my real doctor. Didn't get in until 7:45 - but that's not why I've gathered you here.

Turns out that about an hour before I went in, Annie started running a fever.
That's not good normally, but when you're 7 months pregnant, that's really not so great.

My doctor said I've got one of those deep down lung infections popularly known as walking pneumonia.

This is the problem - Annie started looking up walking pneumonia on the internet...and it's not awesome for pregnant girls. So, because we have access to the world wide web, we're in a full scale terror alert at the Murphy household. A couple of years ago, we would just take our medicine and complain about the aches...

Tomorrow could be really pathetic. 4 sick people lying down and moaning that they don't feel well.

Please pray for us - especially Annie, Coop and the baby.

1 comment:

  1. I've been there, done that and it sucks but you'll be up and running real soon. Hang in there and I'll be praying for you guys.
