Thursday, April 27, 2006


There's a new church in Clifton...and it has a D'vine name. They're opening doors with a four week series that sound pretty good, but I have a different idea.
Just hear me out.

They get some folks to picket the church over the weekend. They can hold up signs that say things like, "God hates you" or "It's the King James or else!" and "God hates the Green Party" They can chant about women dressing like street walkers and men watching American Idol...

Then when the cameras come out- you get a few members of the church (the folks that have been meeting together, praying, helping to feed the hungry, serving their neighbors...and planning this church) to come out and denounce the protesters. Say that it's a shame that there are people out there that are pro-hate, anti love - and that their church isn't about that. "we just want to love people where they're at. We're not against anyone or anything - we're just for Jesus. "

People will see that...and go to be a part of a church that's fighting against these goofball protesters

you can't buy that kind of publicity...

well, I guess you could if you could stick up some goofball billboards


  1. LMAO that's really friggin' awesome. My freshmen, who are writing collaborative stories, are wondering why their teacher is giggling at a computer.

  2. Sean, you are crazy. That's why I like you.

    So can we count on you and Dressler being there Sunday with your picket signs?

  3. I hate to say it, but embarrassingly enough I think the protestors may end up with a sizable group of recent converts of their own on the following sunday.

  4. i love it... thanks, murph! :)
