Wednesday, September 05, 2007

today is the day

I've decided to start a diamond scheme. Now I know that people are getting wary of pyramid schemes, but they keep doing them. They just don't call them that any more.
As a rule of thumb anything that ends with "scheme" is probably going to attract some negative attention.

Having said that, I'm going to just call mine the baseball plan. I'll lay out the org chart with a diamond shaped grid - you make the most money at first and third base. When you start selling our products (I'm thinking adorable stuffed penguins) you get to first base. Everyone ahead of you at second base then gives you 35% of the profits they're making. Eventually you'll make so much money that you'll attract the people who aren't on our "team" and you'll move on to second base.

This is where the real movers and shakers have a decision to make. Do you want to be a second baseman all your life? The power hitters are at first and third...the middle infielder with real skills plays you gonna move to third or what?

I see myself as a third base coach. I'll just sort of camp out there and haul in all of that stuffed penguin money.

Sadly if you sell enough penguins, and the people below you do the same, and the people below them....then you have to go home. Once home, you have to give half your net earnings to the third base coach, as a way of saying "thank you for getting me here".

I'm also thinking we should sell metal lunchboxes - it's time we brought those back.


  1. murph,

    now that fantasy football season is upon us. Can you add your thoughts on who to start and who to bench each week? That way I'll only have to hit one non-work related site a day. Less to feel quilty about...

  2. but what happens if i get to first base and realize i forgot my cleats?

    can i still get a metal lunchbox? i prefer the snorks.
