Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Picture this
A world without borders. East meets West - North meets South. I guess that world would be really small...never mind.

How about this - a place where rivals can come together and embrace their differences, in fact - they cancelebrate their differences and gain each other's strengths. What if we had the best of everything?

I'm thinking you show up and the seating is lounge massage chairs (a la ....um I forget the name of that store in the mall) you sit down to a meal of Chipotle burrito, Penn Station fries, and a UDF fountin Diet Dr. Pepper. You should probably follow that with a piece of Bill Knapps chocolate cake.

You sit up and enjoy the comedic stylings of Mr. Bob Saget - all the while, a wall of NFL games are playing off to the side. "Want to join us for a game of Euchre?" someone asks...
"sure - Let me just stick my feet in this hot tub and play a quick game of pop a shot first"

I'd then spend the night in my bed-because it's the best - and wake up to Waffle shop hash browns and Emilie's breakfast casserole (Annie brings me all of this)

At some point I'm going to watch the big 10 wrestling championships and hear Dave's bumper story. Griffin will tell me about his day in school and Cooper will show me his muscles. Parker strangely just giggles a lot and hugs my legs.

Everyone goes to bed and Annie and I watch the Office.

All is well...

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