Thursday, September 13, 2007

roller coastin'

The worst - working 75+ and not seeing your family. Flushing the toilet and sensing that the water is rising instead of swirling downward. That noise that an old rusty chair makes when it squeaks on linoleum. Rocky V. Arrogance. The cancellation of Ed. Walking downstairs to get your book - stumbling around because you forgot why you went downstairs...and then coming back up and getting into bed...only to realize that you forgot the book. a tooth ache. Indecision. Boiled beans of any sort. A car chase scene in a movie. That first ten seconds when you sit down in a car that's fourteen below. Opera. Who-Day, a pebble in your shoe, any dancing competition show, an empty stapler, snow down your shirt, pulling weeds.

The best - The Office. Cooper's running to hug my legs when I come home. Annie's laugh. a full tank of gas. Dennis Miller's Off White Album. a Gillespie phone call. a great story. a sweatshirt that's too big. Saget. Moving forward. Humility. the Bumper story. gadgets. Steak. A great football game. friends. a subtle remark in a meeting from Paul. obscure references. great dialogue in a movie. freedom. a Jeff Goldblum impersonation. expediency. Peg and Suzer in town. Chipotle. hanging out with the Sublets. getting something fixed. good news. a great book. garlic bread. a mandolin playing in a band. Ed. a well placed sound effect...


  1. How did my Woody Allen impersonation not make the list?!

    Are we even friends anymore?

  2. love this post murph. celebrating the highs and lows with you my friend!
