Monday, April 20, 2009

some of the greats

Wordle: wordlesean


  1. I love how Jesus and Saget are running neck and neck over there on the right.

    In fact, can you imagine is Jesus and Saget actually battled each other? Talk about a clash of the titans.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I love that you included coupons.

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    one person seems to be mysteriously missing.

  4. that's why I said "Some" of the greats...I wrote three names that for some reason aren't in this. I did two of these and it randomly edited a few out each time...

    I just wanted to make sure Saget was represented...

  5. ok I said three...and just took a look, it's 7. What the crap Wordle?!

  6. I love Wordle... except when it doesn't include stuff I want it to.

  7. You know, I was just playing around with Wordle and there are a few options where they automatically exclude certain words/names, so they probably just got lost in that.

  8. Am I just a piece of meat?

  9. Auntie Peg9:03 AM

    To answer your question, I am wondering about saving time in eliminating reading some blogs...but not YOURS, of course....this is a difficult question but I think I will save time by not thinking of the answer...
