Bobby Knight? - nope
Dean Smith? - lost track of all his losses
Mike Krzyze%^&ski? - lots of non-wins
Bob Miller? - keep looking
Adolf Rupp? - who names their kid Adolf?
Sean Michael Murphy? Yup
The Cheetahs nearly doubled their opponents score (24-14 a number that would have would be a tragic foreshadowing of things to come)on Saturday bringing their season record to 1 & Zero.
The Cheetahs (still looking for a sponsor if anyone has a connection at Cheetos, Chi Chi's, Che Guevara or Nike).
As a coach, I think it'd be helpful to let you know what I know about basketball:
1. The ball is round
2. It also appears to be orange...typically
No, my coaching style is more predicated on high fives and the occasional beating. Griffin played a great game and won the "hustle" star following the game. Translation on that one - he played good defense, ran around a lot and didn't score.
Season tickets are going fast, but there are still a few available...
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