Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I'm ready for my closeup Mr. Bill

Three shows in a row this week.  We call that a trifecta in the biz.  And by "we" I mean me, and by "biz" I mean horse racing.

Tonight we're doing a public show, tomorrow night a small private party of maybe 25ish, and Friday night a private party of maybe 350ish....doesn't feel so private, does it?

My friend (we'll call him "Joe") has said that you want at least 20 and no more than 100.  We haven't done a show with less than 20 since our first performance (you may remember our performance at the Cancer Wellness Center?) and we've done a bunch with 100+.  50 feels about right for improvisation.

So tonight is our last public show of 2009, and it's a free one.  I think it's our first free show since our command performance for the octogenarians of Mallard Cove (I need a famous celebrity maybe from the movies?  Stan Laurel!  Abe Vigoda!) so you can't beat the price.  We'll be at the Northside Tavern - 4163 Hamilton Ave. - Cincinnati 45223 from 9-11 tonight. 

Come on out - it should be fun...or at least free...

I'd invite you to sneak in on the private shows, but I don't really know where they are...


  1. booked our flight this morning. is there a QCP show that weekend? if not, i'd like to book a private party for 2+.

  2. 2+?
    do you have news for us?
