Monday, October 06, 2008

cold at the moment...

I feel like we're jumping around with this temperature thing lately.  I've been looking forward to shorts and a sweatshirt weather for a while now and don't feel like we've actually landed on it least not for more than 20 minutes at once.

We went from mandatory air conditioning in my car and house to scrounging through my car looking for a coat during Griffin's game.  I learned my lesson and wore jeans to the next game...and was hotter than Brad in his spandex bike shorts.  The next day I was looking for my ear muffs...because that's how comfortable I am wearing protective ear wear.

I wake up cold and go to bed warm.  Years ago I installed a digital thermostat so my house would figure out when to turn on the heat or the air conditioning.  Turns out that I still had to get up and switch it from air to heat.

I'm looking for a nice steady temperature range somewhere between shorts and a sweatshirt and shorts with a long sleeve T.  The bottom line is when you have legs like these you've gotta share them with the world.


  1. I'm trying to figure out how someone will politicize this post.... oh I've got it. Evidence either for or against global warming.
    Let the debate begin.

  2. Ah, some candidates leave me "cold"...
    but I'm not "warming" to the idea of making this a political comment..but thinking about Alaska leave me "colder"...

  3. sadly this is about the level of political discourse these days...

  4. and so in conclusion... hope, change, believe, maverick, tax cut, energy and change. Did I mention change?

  5. I love San Diego, and open minded Christians who say that others suck.

  6. I was hoping for the debut of the green pull over. It is one of your trademarks.

  7. i love that right now the google ad on your blog is encouraging people to vote early for obama.

  8. sadly there are people out there thinking...I'm not sure who to vote for...I wonder what Lindsay Lohan thinks? I'm pretty sure she likes Obama, and there's an ad here that says I should vote for Obama....
    that settles it...I'm in!

  9. I'd rather think about my digital thermostat than this election. The thermostat isn't frustrating.
