Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I've discovered two shows recently that I've put on the 'ol DVR to tape all new episodes.

Burn Notice is a mix of Bourne Identity, Macgyver and a third show that doesn't exist, but is pretty funny in a smarmy, sarcastic way. The first episode was worth $6.50 at a movie theater...and was as long as a movie. The second one was a bit of a let down, but then the third one was great. I'm on board....which means it'll be canceled soon.

The other show is Man vs. Wild. In this show there's a guy who was in the British special forces who purposely puts himself in harms way so he can show the viewers, who will never ever be anywhere near where the guy is, how to survive in a particular situation. So he helicopters into remote parts of the world with only his knife, clothes and a canteen for water...that he has to get on his own.

It's part fear factor - except when he eats gross stuff...and boy does he, he does it to survive....and part fear factor - except when he jumps off of a 60 foot cliff into white water, he's not strapped to anything...and he's doing it to survive.

Two great shows....might be worth setting the 'ol tivo.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Try survivorman. Its similar to man v wild. Also really good.

  2. did you catch the man v. wild marathon on Saturday? Bear rocks!

    i've been thinking of doing a similar kind of show on my next trip to southern ohio...

  3. i love man vs. wild. can i add a 3rd show to watch? if you have HBO, you've got to see Flight of the Conchords. it is hilarious. you can catch some of their standup on youtube.
