Monday, July 02, 2007

back to work

I defy you to find anyone more off the charts awesome than Mr. David Hasselhoff.

He buttons his shirts about half way up on his $150 silk shirts.

He does the double-gun-pointed finger smile thing when he sees a camera.

When he walks into a room he doesn't walk...he jogs, as though entering an arena prepared for battle....the battle for the hearts and minds of Joe bored America who crave entertainment.

He still talks into his watch just to remind people that he once talked to his car through his watch on tv - and let's see Mr. Brad Pitt beat that.
Try and catch him out in public not waving to adoring fans. Try to catch him wearing a baggy t-shirt or not wearing a gold necklace. Try to catch him without perfect hair and a copy of his resume on him.
We'll be able to tell our great grandchildren that we lived to see one of the greats.
Just something to soak in today...


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Since you are returning to work today and seem to be looking to David H. as a role model, are you going to be wearing similar clothes and doing the two finger point at 'cha pose?

    THAT would be something to share with ANY greandchild!

  2. I think your blog has officially "jumped the shark."
