Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Rut

The rut is something you get in by doing the same thing over and over again. It’s like when you’re riding your bike and you keep going on the same trail and pretty soon you have a rut that forms. The great thing about ruts is that you don’t have to pay as much attention. You can just sort of pedal through life and you barely have to pay attention. It’s almost like your wheels are on rails and you’re just sort of following the same ‘ol way.

You get up, do whatever you do in the morning…followed by that thing you do after that…and eventually you go into your wind down the day routine…and repeat the following day. It's nice to "get in the groove" of things, but soon it becomes debilitating.

Ruts are comfortable, predictable and safe.

Ruts are boring, life sucking and death.

It’s time to do a mini wheelie and head down a different trail.

Ruts are comfortable, predictable and safe.

Ruts are boring, life sucking and death.

It’s time to do a mini wheelie and head down a different trail.