Wednesday, May 09, 2007

the little things

I have an earache. My jaw hurts. They're both little things, but they really can be distracting.

That's how I am. I let the little things get to me. They end up getting in the way of the big things. My focus goes from helping to solve a big problem, create a great thing, help another person, do something, "crap, that's annoying!"

That shouldn't be.

I need help focusing on the big stuff (majoring in the majors and minoring in the minors - I love bumper sticker theology).

any ideas?


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Yup...concentrate on going to a dentist to get this TMJ fixed ...but then what the heck would you have to complain about?
    ...and how long has it been? They don't use hammers anymore...they have come a LONG way in dentistry.

  2. Boom.

    Put a little marinara on it.

  3. Just pick a few verses in the Bible to pay attention to; don't worry about context or translation, and deffinately don't pick more than a few to remember. It will make everything simpler, and, if you pick the right verses, life can be really easy.

    I recommend

    1 Corinthians 10:23

    Romans 10:9

    Ephesians 1:11

    If you just focus on those three you can live your life in great understanding of cheap grace continuing on with full permission to do whatever you want without consequence because you are saved by grace. I mean what difference does it make since what you are doing you aren't choosing anyways, I mean God planned it all fromt he beggining.
