Friday, April 30, 2010

A Star was born...

If you're wondering what has two thumbs and is the Freedom Elementary Star Student of the week...well, it's Griff (I guess this is more of a visual thing...and that's why I'm not the F.E.S.S.O.T.W.)

What comes with this honor you ask?
Well I'll tell you.

You get to bring in a bag full of stuff to share with your class a little about yourself (Griff brought his Murphy Family Olympiad trophy).  You also get to share your favorite book with the class, have lunch with your parents, punch a clown in the throat and have a letter written by your parents read to the class by the teacher.
(some of that isn't true)

So we wrote the following in a sealed envelope on Wednesday (Griff didn't know anything about this until his teacher read it):
From Griffin's Dad,
   There are a few things I'd like you to know about Griffin.  Most of you probably already know that he's a smart kid who is good at sports and has so many trophies that we're thinking of building him a second bedroom.  He's always been great at finding new friends and helping people out, but there are a few things you might not know about Griff. 
  For one thing, some of you might have heard that Griffin won the Murphy family Olympics.  Sure that's true, but I'm training for the 2011 Olympiad and I'm guaranteeing a victory right here and now.  Sure he usually beats me in putt putt and is getting better every day at frisbee golf.  Yes, he's an excellent bowler and has amazing coordination...which will no doubt help him to win our Minute to Win it competition again.  What he doesn't know is that while he thinks I'm going to work every day, I'm actually headed to the gym for my training.
  I will defeat Griffin in 2011, mark my words...oh yes, I will defeat him.
-Grff's dad

From Griffin's Mom,
    What can I say about our oldest child?  He's an incredible big brother to Cooper and Parker and is always helping them, and me around the house.  He often will take his little brother and little sister outside and help them to learn new sports and games.  It's not just his brother and sister that he's helping either.  He helps me around the house by taking out the trash, cleaning up and by re-shingling the roof.  I was just kidding about the roof, why would I let a nine year old on the roof?  Do you think I'm a crazy lady?
  We are lucky parents to have such an incredible son.  We miss him every day when he heads off to school, but we're so glad he has such a great class full of friends and an incredible teacher!
-Griffin's Mom

1 comment:

  1. No letter from his friends in NYC?
    I am going to send Freedom Elementary a strongly worded letter........perhaps that will lead to future ones read aloud in front of children.
