Wednesday, December 05, 2007

cinco de dicienbre

My brother is a year and a half older than me. He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. Oh sure we could all stand to lose a few, but apparently if you’re a brother…you technically can’t be considered heavy….that’s just science.

We probably couldn’t be that much different. Often we were asked if we were twins, because we were only a year and a half apart and I was as muscular as a 6 year old, even at the age of 4. He’s plans and details and I’m not so much. He has a big screen tv and watches his team, the Bengals on high def. I have to settle for watching a much better team play on a dinky little tv while being excited about this new thing that allows you to control the buttons on your tv in a remote location.

He’s a great dad and makes a silly amount of money doing a job that I couldn’t do even if you paid me a silly amount of money.

We fight argue and disagree as much as not, but I love him…he’s my brother.

Happy birthday Bri-


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Thanks Sean - I love you too.

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Aw, I'm gettin' all teary-eyed...
    We'll see how much love is going on at the Ping Pong matches this Christmas!

  3. Did someone say ping pong?
