Friday, December 08, 2006

Day of blogging II

Positive/Negatives of working the Mongolian Bar BQ

Positive - you get to cook with a huge wooden sword

Negative - it gets pretty hot back there

Positive - you get delicious Mongolian Bag BQ for lunch every day

Negative - it probably gets kind of redundant stirring people's meat and vegetables all day (if you know what I mean)

Positive - You get to act like the Soup Nazi (your bowl, it's too light! Too much sauce! - both of these things were directed towards me as I slumped back to my seat)

Negative - the distinct possibility of burning yourself on the crotch level cooker drum deal

Positive - did I mention the cooking with big wooden swords?


  1. more positives equals a meal that is fantastic. that's all i know.

  2. Anonymous3:44 AM

    how about holding the power to make stef throw up 17 times in one night? you can have my bowl.
