I've been stuck on this ABC News program I watched a couple of weeks ago.
They talked about wealth, charity, greed and generosity. They talked about the philosophy of charitible giving and then the hard, cold statistics of who gives.
Turns out that 24 of the 25 most generous states (in giving to charity) are red states. I wasn't shocked by this, but they pointed out that the general perception is that the more liberal you are, the more likely it is that you'll give to charity...and that just isn't statistically true.
They pointed to the average head of household that was liberal and compared them to the average head of household that was conservative. They both made about the same amount of money (the liberal's made slightly more) yet the conservatives gave, on average, 30% more to charity. I wasn't shocked by this - but the reason this was newsworthy is there's the very real misperception that all republicans are hoarding their money so they can buy racist t-shirts that 4 year old children in Mongolia are making.
The facts are that in America - if you're a conservative - statistically it's more likely that you'll give more to charity than your neighbor that's liberal.
Some of you might shocked by this. "How could this be!!???" It must have been skewed somehow! I just know we're more concerned with problems than they are!"
Some of you might be thinking, "Sure, conservatives are more likely involved in a church and are just giving it to them"
They answered this by saying that obviously a lot of money was going to churches but that didn't change the numbers. The conservatives were still giving more of their income.
In fact, they gave more of their time and resources as well. If they voted for a Republican in the last election, there was over a 30% greater chance that they'd donated blood in the last year. It's not just money they're throwing at problems...they literally bled for the cause.
They came to the conclusion that these charities were seen as way more efficient than the government in meeting problems...so the conservatives gave to them, while the liberals believe the government is better at solving problems, so they didn't give nearly as much to charities (or necessarily give more in their taxes)
I just thought it was interesting...