Its sort of odd that for the last bunch of years different teams are changing their mascots so as to not offend native Americans. Actually that, in and of itself, isn't that odd. What's odd is that more teams aren't being pressured to change their names in light of the injustices that their mascots represent. Pittsburgh is a prime example. The we really want to lift up the values of these marauders? Their job description includes pillaging. Do we really need more pillaging in this society? Don't get me started on the Steelers. This all really brings me to something that hits a little closer to home. Notre Dame. Actually, they're hundreds and hundreds of miles away from my home - but the point remains... The fighting irish!?!?
Why not go the whole way and call us the fighting, drunken, jobless potato eaters!
I suggest that we start a million Irishmen March(not a million mick as some would suggest) -start at the steps of St. Patricks cathedral and go all the way to touchdown Jesus. We'd have to have a peaceful demonstration of'd be kindda silly. Maybe a sit in. I'm not sure there's ever been an Irish sit in. This would be sure to hit the third or fourth page (under the fold) of most suburban newspapers. Maybe we could get the A.C.L.U. to sponsor us (they already sponsor my softball team "the Civil Libs" - we're 3 & 7, but we have four games under appeal).
WE WILL NOT BE LABELED (unless it's something nice like, "the hugging Irish" or "the generous tipping Irish" - those labels are okay).
Down with racial stereotyping! (unless, of course, we're talking about the Dutch)
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