Friday, December 08, 2006

day of blogging V

it's the little things...

When I feel fine, but have a little cut in my drives me nuts.

When I have a little paper cut on my finger...some little thing at work bugs quickly becomes this all consuming-don't talk to me I'm fixated on this nuisance kind of thing.

I wonder why?

Maybe I put more effort into taking care of the big problems. Maybe I'm a little more proactive about dealing with bigger issues head on. Maybe it's just the little things that add up and end up feeling like big things.

Little by little - you can drip water on something and watch it erode into nothingness.

Little by little you can do little things that'll drive a wedge into a relationship.

I gotta believe that little by little you can form healthy habits. Little by little you can build someone up. Little by little you can memorize great blocks of information - work on large projects - start checking off life goals.

Little by little really does change the world - it's just easier to think about winning the lottery...or getting something big all at once.

I don't think it works that way...

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