Friday, October 13, 2006


The official stats of Griffin Murphy's football career:

Two balls passed his way. The first one was an illegal forward lateral from the wide receiver. The second one was a pass to an ineligible receiver. He was one for two on receptions, although in this game it didn't matter if you caught the ball - as long as you were the first to pick it up off the ground and start running.

One tackle. After a bunch of kids grabbed onto the running back, Griffin grabbed his second flag.

In this game everyone went out for a pass on every play. The quarterback didn't have flags on so it wasn't much use rushing him. So on offence you were a split end, flanker, tight end, wide out, x back, y back, wide receiver or some other guy they throw the ball to. There were no first downs. There were no kick offs. There were no extra points. It was just, "everybody go out for a pass" and "everybody try and cover one of the receivers". You've got to start somewhere.

Hopefully this will help Grif understand football a little more. This way if he decides to play again, he'll know a little bit more about what he's getting himself into. I didn't start playing organized football until the 8th grade, and I felt like the idiot who had no idea what I was doing. I'd watched it on tv, but never played. I felt like I was as knowlegeable as the next guy....but until you've actually gone out and put on the uniform and studied a playbook, you're not quite there.

It's like teaching something that you've never really experienced. I've heard business people scoff at some of the things that are taught by business professors who have never actually gone into that world.

A friend of mine says, "you can't export what you're not importing". He's basically talking about people in ministry who might know some of the right things to say or do, but aren't really living out a relationship with God. I think people can see that, and it just sort of rings a bit hollow.

So I'm glad Griff decided to get into the game. Participating in something is a far noble task than sitting back and writing a blog about it at 6:30 the next morning.

Maybe I should go find my old pads...

PS - we're tailgating at his game next Thursday - you in?


  1. I think the only logical answer to that question is, "yes."

    I've never played organized football bc my mom wouldn't sign the permission slip. Something about the 3 crushed vertibrate I experienced when I was 11 years old. The impacts were too straight into the spinal chord. Don't worry, wrestling became my sport of choice.

    I wish I could have had the chance. I think I would have made an excellent linebacker or tight end.

    Oh, people in ministry who might know some of the right things to say or do, but aren't really living out a relationship with God, uhm.... where do I sign on the fraud indictment?

  2. 10:30 Sat morning, AJ will be running the ball straight up the middle. Only to have 7 other little punks pull his flag, positive yards is a good thing. At least he's doing better than the other 5 year old on the team who always manages to run to the wrong endzone.

    So you watching Sag's tonight on his return to network TV?

  3. What is this flag stuff? You can't tackle anymore?

  4. that's exactly what my question was...I thought I was signing him up for football, not flag football.

    Ah well...

  5. I loved it when he Griff was lining up to go down the field for a pass and he looked up, grinned and waved, saying "Hi, Dad!"

    But then the next play, after the coach had told them all to look as mean as they could, he lines up across from his opponent and says in this cheery voice, "Hi!" like he was going to share ice cream with him later!

  6. Misspelling Saget is like... like really bad.

    He is on tonight. 1 vs. 100. I'm guessing you know this because you watch NBC, for the Office and to catch a glimpse of Howie Mandel.

  7. Anonymous6:15 PM

    What a great post! Kid's a champion, born and bred. Comes from champion stock. God bless!
