Tuesday, June 06, 2006

three's company

We've finally put ourselves in a position to put together a Murphy Family production of Three's Company!

To mix it up a bit we're casting it with two boys and a girl.

Griffin coming into the living room talking to Cooper: so after the party we can all go play in the backyard!

Cooper: that's great!

Parker: What are you two talking about?

Griffin looks at Cooper with panic in his eyes: Um....we were just talking about our friend Marty...um Marty.....Brennaman. He sure is great.

Cooper: Yeah...we love Marty. They go upstairs

Annie walks into the house (playing the part of Mrs. Roper) Hi Parker, how are those two boys doing?

Parker: They sure are acting strange. I think they're planning some kind of party for the Reds or something.

Annie: Oh wow, that sure sounds like fun.

Sean walks in (as Larry, the neighbor): what sounds like fun?

Parker: Um, nothing....what have you heard?

Sean: I heard there was a surprise party for....um...I mean a Bride's party for someone in the building.

Annie: You did! Who's getting married?

and the chaos just goes on and on and on....followed by hijinks, a trip to the Regal Begal....and more misunderstandings.

Starring - Cooper Murphy
Introducing Parker Murphy
and Griffin Murphy

featuring guest spots by Annie and Sean Michael Murphy!

I'm thinking we start touring in Chicago, nail it down....and then head to NY.

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