Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Anonymous note from a guy who's doing time in a church...(and not me)

I show up to church on Sundays. It's what I do.

I'm a pew sitter.

I figure my role is to observe, drop a few bucks in the basket, and then leave.

It's something I've done for years. Sometimes I look at the people in other pews sleeping and think to myself, "I can't believe people are sleeping in church!" Don't they know that this is God's house?

I go there.

I'm a part of the church. I know church is just a building, but I like to think I'm an active participant -in that I show up every week.
Maybe I'm more of a consumer.
I observe.

It's a nice little arrangement I've had for years now. My parents had the same deal going. We loved what's his name because he only talked for 12 minutes and we could be out of there in 45 minutes. It was pretty sweet.

They talk about a number of subjects from week to week. They say things like, "This is what the God of the Universe is like" and "Following Him means submitting to His will....following Him changes your everything!" And then they stop talking and I go home.

It's what I do. It's what I've always done. I show up...

1 comment:

  1. I actually take a few bucks from the plate. might as well help myself to some of all that money floating around. we know it is all just a scam anyway.

