Saturday, October 08, 2005

Newlyweds no more...

Am I the only one who has never heard of OAR?
I'm trying to figure out what to do about the State College YL Blog. I've been doing it for a couple of months...and have had 287 hits on it...and I was probably 60 of them. Meanwhile, I've been doing this "Huh?" one for about the same amount of time and have had over 3,200.
I just wanted to let folks know what was happening with YL in case they wanted to pray for specific stuff (better than, "God, bless mommy, daddy, Young Life and let me have a good day tomorrow - Amen")...but soon I won't really know what's happening on a day to day basis because I'll be 400 miles away. I hate to just drop it. Maybe if I had written random bits of disinformation followed by the occasional haiku, I could have pulled in a larger praying audience. ah well...
For 6 weeks I'm going to be sleeping on a twin bed and living out of a suitcase. I'm wondering how long it will be before I realize that I should have packed my ________? I'm guessing about the third night I'll realize that I forgot my Daytimer, socks, or charger for my cell phone. I can't wait for that.
I hear Nick and Jessica broke up. Gives kind of a new meaning to "these boots are made for walkin" I wonder if he was jealous of her career, her income, or that car that she was mounting in her video?
Are you allowed to say "mounting" in a blog?


  1. Uhm you're not the only one. I haven't. Unless you mean Oar, as in a boat oar. Those I have heard of.

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM

    If they're split... I think that the term is "divorced", not "broke up".
