Sunday, February 12, 2006


Our window just exploded. Actually it just shattered....but it felt more like an explosion. We think the stroller in the back somehow busted it. Luckily it was a back window with tinted glass and a defroster on that'll probably be cheap.

It's funny how quickly I went to blame. "Did some kid throw a rock at you?" "No, I don't think so" I was immediately looking for someone to blame that didn't have the Murphy surname.

It drives me nuts when people do that...and I do it all the time. People do it after elections, sporting events, when they screw up at's just easier to blame people for cheating, or for somehow thwarting our plan.

It's weak.

I need to man up.

I screw up all the time. Often it's because I forgot something, procrastinated, said something the wrong way, or just dropped the ball.

It's not always someone else's fault. It's not always the government's responsibility. It's not because someone's out to get me. I just make mistakes.

I'm human.
Really human.
I think I'm extra human.

It's time to fess up and move on.

My name is Sean and I'm completely capable of screwing up just about anything...except for my chip's killer.


  1. Good post...but the Steelers still cheated. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I hear ya. I am the biggest screw up EVER! Someday when you and I have time, I'll tell you all about my screw up.
