Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Let's see what develops. That's my attitude. Not very proactive I guess. I want to be proactive. I'm impatient beyond belief. I want to get stuff going. It's just hard. I love helping to develop ideas, strategies, solutions, film...
I want to be about developing!
That's my new thing.
That and pottery.
No, forget that last one.
I want to help people. I want to listen. I desperately want to laugh. I want to encourage. I want to help people see themselves as God sees them. And I want to throw a pot. I'm not back on that pottery thing...I just like the idea of throwing a pot. Or a pan. Like a big heavy, "Fred Sanford, you ugly spasm!" Aunt Esther wielding a pan while threatening her no good nephew in law.
Who knows?

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