Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Movin on over...

It's a big day in the Murphy household. We just bought a household actually. Our dream house to be exact. I haven't actually seen it....but I barely remember my dreams anyway.
Annie went to Cincinnati two days ago, while I played Mr. Mom ("would you like a beer?" "it's eight o'clock in the morning" ..."scotch?") (this is probably confusing if you haven't seen Mr. Mom) and she picked out a house that we can sort of afford.
-It's across the street from a park...but doesn't have a view of one of the largest stadiums in the world.
-It's in a nice neighborhood...but doesn't have the Sublets within a pitching wedge of our house. (or a driver, if Stacy is hitting it)
-It's got a finished basement...but we're not sure if it's going to take in water every 4-6 weeks.
-It has a kitchen island...but doesn't have those little lights that go above and below the cabinets....although we never really used those anyway.
-it's not available for 6 weeks...but I'm supposed to be there in 3 1/2.
-it's close to Chipotle ... but they don't have pigs that Grif and I can visit.
-It's technically in West now I've got to deal with that whole "West Side - East Side" rivalry....and worry about what color bandana I can wear.
oh how things are changing....

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