Tuesday, July 11, 2006

everywhere a sign

I just read a deal about a sign company that specializes in church signs. They had a signed testimonial from the Pastor of this church talking about how his church quadrupled in size after they put up their new sign.

They went from 200 to 800 people by putting up a nicer sign.

What hurts my brain is that this full page, back of the magazine ad must have cost a bunch of nickels. These guys have to know a little something about business to at least be in the position to purchase this ad. They have to know that this ad will actually work with some people.
Somewhere there's a member of a church board saying, "Well shoot, we need to be blessed with one of this beautiful signs and see our church quadruple in size! Let's go get us one of these beauties!"

I see youth groups have the "world's largest pizza party" or "longest slip n' slide" and that's how they get the little ones to show up. I've heard about meetings that are centered around what kind of signs we should put up to attract the most people. I've now read about the power of signs that can quadruple the size of your church....


That's how it works?

People aren't interested in relationship, they're interested in reading?

I get that signs help. I understand that it's helpful to have a sign that tells you what's inside the building...or when that building is open. I just wonder how much we should focus on these helpers.

What if our strategy for reaching the world was billboards?

What if our way to connect with high school students was by luring them into events with bands, halftime speakers at sporting events and the world's largest lawn mowing party?

Events can be fun.
Signs can be helpful.

Relationships can encourage, build trust, be instructive and develop a sense of belonging.

Spend the day working on an event - or spend the day with the people you're trying to connect with?

What do you think we should focus on?


  1. I just saw a church sign the other day that read, "B-I-B-L-E: Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth"

    I hope no one paid for that.

    My favorite was a few years ago when we had a heat wave in Cincy. There was a church sign that read, "And you think it's hot up here!"


  2. my all time favorite - one time here in branson, mo the local taco bell actually had this on their sign "now hiring part time losers". obviously, they were missing a letter, but we all got a good laugh out of that!

  3. i don't know about the lawn-mowing party idea, murph. what if someone comes who is recovering from a lawn-mowing addiction? do we want to be responsible for that?

    i pass by about 4 churches on the way to work everyday, all with interesting signs. one of them consistently has the best. at one point last summer it read, 'beat the heat. repent.' that was pretty great.

  4. My favorite sign was:
    "Curl Up and Dye"..
    but it was for a beauty salon...and it didn't make me want to GO there...
